About the Codes Team

Our team of code administrators oversees all aspects of the code modification processes and related meetings. We’re here to help, so please feel free to contact us at [email protected] 

Meet the team

Andrew Hemus

Catia Gomes

Claire Goult

Elana Byrne

Lizzie Timmins

Jessica Rivalland

Karen Hughes

Milly Lewis

Prisca Evans

Rashpal Gata-Aura

Ren Walker

Sarah Carter

Sarah Williams

Shazia Akhtar

Tametha Meek

Teri Puddefoot

sun beam coming through trees with cyclist riding towards

Code Administration Code of Practice

To make sure we’re completely transparent in our modification processes and that we’re protecting the interests of small market participants, we’ve adopted the Code Administration Code of Practice (CACoP), which was established following Ofgem’s code governance review.

Committed to Continuous Improvement

We’re always looking to improve the way we do things, which is why your feedback is so important. In the below documents, we share what we're doing in response to your feedback.

ESO Code Administrator Annual Report 21-22

Our annual report includes an overview and summary of our key metrics and activities for the year 2021-2022.

Code Administrators' Performance Survey 2021

In this summary we share some of the key survey findings on where we are doing well, as well as where we need to improve and our next steps.

ESO Code Administrator Annual Report 20-21

Our annual report includes an overview and summary of our key metrics and activities for the year 2020-2021.

ESO Code Administrator Summary: Deliverables 2021

Our summary document sets out the key areas we plan to focus on in 2021-22, based on your feedback.

Code Administrator Survey 2020

In our summary note we share the background to the survey, the key findings, and next steps.

ESO Code Administrator Annual Report 19-20

Our first annual report includes an overview and summary of our key metrics and activities for the year 2019-2020.