Cycling up mountain road with stormy skies

Markets Roadmap

We’re developing new ways to balance electricity supply and demand and manage a low carbon electricity system, helping meet net zero targets and minimise consumer costs.

Reform of NESO’s ancillary service and balancing markets is crucial to ensure we can operate a zero carbon electricity system by 2025, and fully decarbonise by 2035. These reforms will also help lower costs to end-consumers as they are designed to make our markets more efficient, accessible and liquid.

We also understand that our ancillary services and balancing markets are an increasingly important revenue stream for market participants. Therefore, we must provide a clear view of how we see these markets developing.

The NESO Markets Roadmap aims to outline what we are doing to reform NESO markets and why we are doing it. This way, we’re allowing the market to build investment cases and giving all stakeholders the confidence that we are making the right design decisions.

Sheep in a field

Markets Roadmap 2024

The roadmap outlines our market design objectives, principles and plans to reform and evolve our markets. It details our vision for response, reserve, thermal, voltage, stability, restoration markets, and the Balancing Mechanism.

Download our Markets Roadmap 2024

Interactive version Printable version

Watch the webinar alongside our short videos on each chapter on our Markets Forum events page.

Markets Roadmap 2024

Lady on her laptop working with lots of green plants around her

Enabling Renewable and Interconnector participation in GB ancillary services

Following significant engagement with owners and operators of renewable technologies and interconnectors, we have published a report on what needs to happen to enable those technologies to better participate in balancing services markets.

Read the report

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Markets Forum events

We host regular events covering a range of topics. These have included updates on our balancing services market reforms, major changes to industry codes and frameworks and our views on fundamental market reform needed to enable net zero.

Enabling demand side flexibility in NESO Markets

Following our Call for Input (CFI) in June 2024, we’re responding to the urgent need to mobilise demand slide flexibility and the actions needed in the medium term to sharpen the explicit market signals. Find our latest reports in response to the CFI.

Operability Strategy

Our Operability Strategy Report explains the challenges we face maintaining and developing our electricity system and how we are addressing them.

Bridging the Gap to net zero

The Bridging the Gap to net zero programme takes a closer look at what needs to be done to reach the UK’s 2050 net zero target.

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Get involved

As the energy landscape evolves, so must we. We aim to work with the industry and regularly update the roadmap based on feedback from our stakeholders.

Attend our future Market Forums and receive updates on our progress. You can also email us if you want to work with us and help inform our future plans.

Email us