Wind turbines in field

Regional Development Programmes (RDPs)

RDPs look across the whole electricity system to unlock more network capacity, reduce constraints and open new revenue streams for market participants. 

The electricity system is in a period of transition. We are quickly moving away from a reliance on large-scale, grid-connected power generation to a larger volume of smaller localised generation, flexible demand, and energy storage.

To ensure we continue to operate the system safely and securely, we must consider how this change impacts the transmission and distribution networks, both commercially and technically.

NESO and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are working with stakeholders across Great Britain through Regional Development Programmes (RDPs) to identify and solve arising local network challenges.

Solar panels on roofs of homes

What is a Regional Development Programme?

A Regional Development Programme (RDP) is a method of addressing areas of the network that have inherent challenges due to the connection of large volumes of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). DER are small-scale electricity generation, storage, or flexible demand units connected within the distribution network.

RDPs aim to introduce methods significantly enhancing transmission and distribution system coordination and control. They also provide new tools and resources to manage system constraints, ultimately reducing consumer costs. They 'design by doing', creating whole system efficiencies as quickly as possible.

Our RDP identification process document will provide you with more information.

RDP identification process document

We also provide an overview of all our RDP projects and work till June 2024 in the update document below.

RDP Update 2024

Wind turbines on hills

Megawatt Dispatch

The south west of England is likely to play a big role in meeting the government’s green energy targets because there is a lot of renewable solar and wind energy in the area. However, research has shown that absorbing that energy on the network is difficult.

This RDP analyses the requirements and capabilities needed in the area to overcome this challenge at the least cost to the consumer.

South west Scotland RDP

We are working on this RDP which focuses on the south west of Scotland with SP Transmission and SP Distribution.  There is huge potential for renewable electricity generation in this area, but extensive and costly network reinforcements are required to get the energy to its destination by conventional means.

We’re looking at new ways to use technology and operational methods to provide cost-efficient outcomes for renewable developments in the region. For NESO to utilise the full potential of the transmission network in the future, both transmission-connected generation and distributed energy resources should compete on a fair and equitable basis for access to the network.

To maximise the operation and management of the transmission network, new arrangements for the connection of developments to the network and provision of constraint management services will be developed. This RDP will create the necessary frameworks to achieve this ambition.