Megawatt Dispatch

The South Coast of England is likely to play a big role in meeting the Government’s green energy targets because there is lots of renewable solar and wind generation in the area. But research showed that it is difficult to absorb that energy on the network. This Regional Development Programme is analysing what the requirements and capabilities are needed in the area to overcome this challenge at the least cost to the consumer.

What is the most cost-effective way to achieve this? That is a question the project is also trying to answer. Conventional ways of increasing the network, like installing new assets to make the power flow easily, might not be the cheapest option. So the RDP has been looking into alternative options.

NESO and project partners National Grid Electricity Distribution (formerly Western Power Distribution) and UK Power Networks, are working with distributed energy resources (DERs) to help develop a new market solution. This new transmission constraints management service will complement existing market routes, like the Balancing Mechanism and Wider Access Markets.


Due to the volume of new connections across the distribution network, and under certain scenarios (e.g., times of low regional demand and high renewable DER output), there is a need to manage transmission constraints caused by MW capacity limits. Using a combination of traditional BM actions, and new Transmission Constraint Management services, NESO can manage MW flows in an economic merit order based on lowest marginal costs, which is particularly effective in areas where larger BM units are being replaced with numerous, smaller DER. 

By making use of the Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) infrastructure being developed across various distribution networks in GB, MW Dispatch provides an alternative route for DER to assist NESO in managing an increasing number of regional transmission constraints, without requiring high levels of flexibility in markets such as the Balancing Mechanism (BM).

Through MW Dispatch, we can maximise the opportunities for more efficient deployment of distributed resources and reduce overall system costs for energy consumers. By introducing specific terms and conditions for new connections, we will be unlocking more network capacity, reducing constraints costs and opening up new revenue streams for market participants, ultimately enhancing transmission and distribution systems coordination and control. This will create whole system efficiencies and provide new tools and resources to manage system constraints, helping to reduce billpayers’ costs.

MW Dispatch service details including visibility and control requirements

Our MW Dispatch RDPs with NGED and UKPN lay the pathway to consistent real time constraint management services from DER across GB. To find out more about the MW Dispatch functionality developed through these RDPs – including what visibility and control means for DNOs and DER service providers – please read our document below.

MW Dispatch service details

MW Dispatch NGED
MW dispatch map NGED

The south west of England is likely to play a vital role in meeting the Government’s green energy targets due to the presence of large volumes of renewable solar and wind generation. However, due to its distance to demand centres, and the low capacities of the local network, it is difficult for that energy to be absorbed or transmitted nationally. This RDP has analysed what requirements and capabilities are needed to overcome this challenge at the smallest cost to the consumer.

MW Dispatch UKPN
MW dispatch map UKPN

The south-east coast of England is one of the most complex network areas in Europe. It has several interconnections to continental Europe, a nuclear power station, and a significant volume of renewable and traditional energy resources connected to the distribution network. In order to manage the large volumes of MWs in the area, this RDP has developed a local solution to relieve network constraints and provide a new opportunity to distributed energy resources.

Personal data disclaimer

Any personal data you disclose to NESO in registering for or providing the MW Dispatch Service will be used by NESO for the operation and administration of the MW Dispatch Service. This may include providing your personal data to the DNO so it can test your DER Units and verify your eligibility to provide the service, as set out in clause 3.2 of the Service Terms. NESO will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it has been provided, unless the law requires us to do so.

Other information about how NESO will use and protect your personal data is set out in NESO’s Privacy Policy, which you should review and which can be found here.

Lady on her laptop working with lots of green plants around her

Further enquiries

If you have any enquiries regarding the Megawatt Dispatch service, get in touch with the right team within Balancing Services, who are on hand to answer any questions you may have.