Post NESO launch support
NESO has been established as a new independent organisation responsible for planning Britain's entire energy system, operating the electricity network, and offering expert advice to the sector's decision-makers. We will bring electricity and gas network planning under one roof, chart the country's course for clean power, and pave the way for lower energy bills.
If you need any support or have any questions regarding these changes, please contact us at [email protected] or 0800 464 3621 or visit our contact us page.
What this means for you
Throughout October 2024, we conducted a phased transition across to our new NESO IT estate. Please see below the change in URLs and APIs.
If you need any IT support regarding these changes, please call us on 0800 917 7111.
NESO web links:
Application | NESO links |
Connection Portal Platform (CPP) | portal.nationalenergyso.com/cpp |
Data Portal | neso.energy/data-portal |
Digital Code Management (DCM) | dcm.nationalenergyso.com |
Enduring Auction Capability (EAC) | eac.neso.production.n-side.com/marketparticipant |
Energy Market Reforms (EMR) | emrdeliverybody.nationalenergyso.com/CM |
Energy Market Reforms (EMR) Help Center | emrdeliverybody.nationalenergyso.com/IG |
Electricity Networks Access Management Service (eNAMS) | portal.nationalenergyso.com/eNAMS |
Generation Availability and Margin Analysis (eGAMA) | portal.nationalenergyso.com/eGAMA |
Market Operation Data Interface System (MODIS) | etr.modis.nationalenergyso.com/ETR_MODIS |
Market Operation Data Interface System(MODIS) (ETR) | gbcmn.nationalenergyso.com |
Platform for Ancillary Services (PAS) | customer.nationalenergyso.com/ancillaryservices |
Single Markets Platform (SMP) | portal.nationalenergyso.com/smp |
System Operator Notification and Reporting (SONAR) | Frequency Response Price Submission System( FRPS) | RealTime | Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) | extranet.nationalenergyso.com |
System Requirements Form (SRF) | srftool.neso.energy |
Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange (TERRE) | customer.nationalenergyso.com/energyservices |
Wider Access Application Programmers Interface (WAAPI) | prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/normalization prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/submission prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/redeclaration prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/instructionresp prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/health |
Application | NESO API |
Data Portal | api.neso.energy |
Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) | api-prod-uk-01.nationalgrid.com/eso-dfs-meterdata-eapi |
Enduring Auction Capability (EAC) | eac.neso.production.n-side.com/market-participant/api/graphql |
Single Markets Platform (SMP) | portal.nationalenergyso.com/smp/services/oauth2/token |
Wider Access Application Programmers Interface (WAAPI) | prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/instructionresp prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/redeclaration prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/normalization prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/submission prod-wa.nationalenergyso.com/neso/v1/health |
Highlighted below is information on the changes that our customers and suppliers should be aware of:
Description | |
Companies House registered name | National Energy System Operator Limited |
Company Registered Address | National Energy System Operator Limited St Catherines Lodge Bearwood Road Sindlesham Nr Wokingham Berkshire RG41 5BN |
Companies House Registration number | 11014226 |
Correspondence & Invoice Address | National Energy System Operator Limited Faraday House Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill Warwick CV34 6DA |
VAT Number | GB463544189 |
Company Invoice name | National Energy System Operator Limited |
Bank Account name for making payments to National Energy System Operator | National Energy System Operator Limited. |
Purchase orders company nam | National Energy System Operator Limited |
Contact email addresses |
Purchase to pay email address: [email protected] Order to cash email address: [email protected] |
Although from 1 October 2024 our name changed from ‘ESO’ to ‘NESO’, we legally remained the same corporate entity, and our company number registered at Companies House remained unchanged (11014226). Any contracts and orders entered into with us remained in full force and effect.
However, in cases where contracts specifically included contact details for formal communications or notices under the contracts:
- From 1 October 2024 any contact address 'National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited, 1 – 3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH' (or similar) was updated to 'National Energy System Operator Limited, St Catherines Lodge, Bearwood Road, Sindlesham, Nr Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 5BN'; and
- From 1 November 2024, the e-mail addresses for notices '@nationalgrideso.com' and / or '@nationalgrid.com' were replaced with '@nationalenergyso.com'
- All individual contact names remained the same unless notified otherwise. If any contracts contain email addresses associated with individuals, they changed to ‘@nationalenergyso.com’
Any further changes to notice provisions in any particular contract that may be necessary arising from our change to NESO were communicated to relevant parties separately.