Code Administration Code of Practice (CACoP)

The CACoP was developed by code administrators and users as a result of Ofgem’s code governance review. It aims to make the code modification process more transparent and help protect the interests of small market participants.

CACoP Chair and Secretariat: Each Code Administrator takes it in turns to chair the Forum and facilitate discussions, including hosting and managing the meetings. This year (2023) the CACoP chair is Gemserv on behalf of the SEC.

CACoP website

You can find all CACoP related materials on the CACoP website. This includes:

  • The Code Administration Code of Practice – the set of principles that the Code Administrators agree to uphold
  • The Central Modifications Register – the consolidated record of all live industry code changes
  • The Horizon Scanner – a forward look at what could impact our industry codes in the medium/long-term
  • CACoP issued guidance – any information that we have published to support parties navigating our codes
  • The latest and historic versions of the CACoP Newsletter – the quarterly publication that keeps interested parties updated on CACoP matters
  • The industry codes meeting calendar – information about when meetings are happening across the industry

CACoP Website

CACoP principles

14 principles make up the Code Administration Code of Practice:

  1. Code Administrators shall be critical friends
  2. Documentation published by Code Administrators shall be in clear English
  3. Information will be promptly and publicly available to users
  4. This Code of Practice will be reviewed periodically and subject to amendment by users
  5. Code Administrators shall support processes which enable users to access a ‘pre-Modification’ process to discuss and develop Modifications
  6. The Proposer of a Modification will retain ownership of the detail of their solution
  7. Code Administrators will facilitate alternative solutions to issues being developed to the same degree as an original solution
  8. Estimates of implementation costs to central systems will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval
  9. Legal text will be produced and consulted upon prior to a Modification being recommended for approval
  10. Modifications will be consulted upon and easily accessible to users, who will be given reasonable time to respond
  11. There will be flexibility for implementation, to allow proportionate deliver time and realisation of benefits
  12. The Code Administrators will report annually on agreed metrics
  13. Code Administrators will ensure cross Code coordination to progress changes efficiently where modifications impact multiple codes
  14. Code Administrators shall support prospective energy innovators