Code changes: beginner's guide

Here you can find some simple, easy to digest information to help you if you’re new to our codes.

What are codes?

Industry codes underpin the electricity and gas wholesale and retail markets.

Market participants are required to comply with the industry codes in accordance with the conditions of their licence.

At NESO, the Code Administrator team administers four of these codes. They are the CUSC, Grid Code, STC and SQSS.

Our team manages the governance process required, should a party wish to make a change to any of these codes.

Each code has a Panel that oversees the process.

Why does the industry need codes?

We need codes in order to set out clear rules, objectives and obligations for all who are party to the codes.

People can raise proposals to change codes if they see an improvement or update that they think needs to be made.

The whole process from raising a modification through to it being implemented, can take anywhere between a few weeks to a few years depending on its complexity and impact on end consumers.

What is our role?

NESO are responsible for managing the process to make code changes happen.

Who can get involved in changing the codes?

There are lots of ways you can get involved in the process:

  • Sign up to our distribution list to receive all your preferred communications about modifications and the outputs from each Panel.
  • Become a Workgroup member and participate in meetings to refine solutions to specific code changes
  • Observe Workgroup meetings or Panels

To raise a change, simply contact us by emailing [email protected].

How to raise a code change

If you're thinking about raising a code change, please get in touch with us.

Our experts can give you advice on your Proposal, encourage you to present at relevant industry forums, explain how the modification process works and help to answer any questions you may have.

Once you’ve been in touch and are ready to write your Proposal paper, use our proposal forms which can be found on each modification page for the code you want to change and send it to us by the monthly modification submission date which you can find our Codes Calendar.

When we receive your Proposal, we’ll check it through and work together to make sure it’s easy to understand.

Introduction to code change webinar

This free webinar was held for those who are new to code change, or in need of a refresher. It gave a walk-through of the change process and how it works, including:

  • An easy-to-understand overview of code change
  • Learn more about our role as Code Administrator
  • Find out how the code change modification process works for the codes we administer
  • Discover how you can get involved in code change
  • The opportunity to ask any questions

Given the amount of interest in these sessions, we will be looking to host more in future. If you have any suggestions of topics you'd like us to cover, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

lady sat holding her mobile phone and looking out the window

Contact us

Get in touch for more information or to arrange a call back from one of our experts.