Digitalised Whole System Technical Code

The Whole System Technical Code (WSTC) project is an opportunity to support the Energy Codes Reform (ECR) outcome on code simplification and consolidation, and also to address some of the challenges of using the technical codes.

It proposes to simplify, align, and digitalise GB electricity technical codes (such as the Distribution Code and associated Engineering Recommendations, the Grid Code, and the SQSS). It will ensure minimum standards continue to allow safe and secure operation of the electricity system.

Phase 1 of this project is expected to conclude by 31 March 2022 and focuses on stakeholder engagement to confirm the project scope. The first consultation will aim to gather views on the scope, objectives and approach, and will guide the formation of an industry-led governance structure for the project. The phases that follow will look to deliver the agreed scope. Deliverables that are independent of the BEIS/Ofgem ECR may be delivered ahead of the outcome of ECR. Activity that is relevant to the ECR will be fed into that process and could potentially also be delivered once confirmed by Ofgem/BEIS. 

Colleagues walking together having a chat in office environment

WSTC Steering Group

Through Consultation 1 responses, stakeholders requested for a Steering Group to be set up to provide overall project oversight and strategic direction of the Digitalised Whole System Technical Code project.

Here you can find all Steering Group related documentation.

Person working on laptop looking at analytics

Consultation 1

The WSTC Consultation 1 was open from 27 September until 12 November 2021. During that time, we ran regular webinars to discuss the Consultation to enable you to ask questions and provide feedback.

Documents relating to Consultation 1 on the digitalised WSTC can be downloaded below.

Smiling lady working at laptop

Key documents

Here you will find reports and documentation that provide an overview of the WSTC project’s stakeholder engagements to date.

View the slides and watch the webinars by clicking the button below.

Cornwall coast with cliffs and sea

Grid Code Simplification Survey

We are looking for input about what the Grid Code users think would be a good next element of the Grid Code for the dWSTC team to consider as the next candidate for simplification.

Project Workstreams

Alignment, Simplification & Rationalisation (ASR)

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Operating Code No.2 (OC2) of the Grid Code is not easily accessible nor agile enough for end user use and understanding. It has been considered as a starting point for improvement as it is overdue a review. The dWSTC Steering Group scoped out the ASR workstream to identify opportunities for improvement.


Lady on her phone working

Further details on the digitalisation workstream are forthcoming. 

Training and Guidance

Ladies finger pointing at a big screen

Further details on the Training and Guidance workstream is forthcoming. 

Family walking in summer outfits in a field

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