Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)
The Connection and Use of System Code is the contractual framework for connecting to and using the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS).
As the code administrator for the CUSC, we maintain the code and oversee any proposed changes to it. All changes must be reviewed by the CUSC modifications panel, and approved by the panel or Ofgem.
If you're interested in becoming a CUSC party, find out more about the connections process.
For more information about the code, subscribe to the CUSC mailing list or email us at: [email protected]
CUSC Code Documents
All documents relating to the CUSC are available here to download, including the latest version of the code in full and details of any revisions.
CUSC Forum
All the information you need relating to the Transmission Charging Methodologies Forum (TCMF) and CUSC Issues Steering Group (CISG).
CUSC Modifications
Here you can search for any current or concluded modifications as well as raising a modification when you want to propose a change to any part of the CUSC.
CUSC Panel
The CUSC Panel is made up of an independent panel chair, a panel technical secretary and code administrator representative (provided by us), seven appointed panel members, a consumer…

Modification Tracker
Our Modification Tracker gives you the very latest detail on current modifications for each of the four codes. It includes the purpose of the modification and the stakeholders it affects, as well as Panel comments on prioritisation, and where it is in the review process.
This Modification Tracker will be published on a monthly basis on the 7th calendar day of the month or the next working day where the 7th is a non-working day.