Frequency response services

Find out about the different types of existing frequency response services and how to get involved.

As part of our licensing obligations, we control system frequency at 50Hz plus or minus 1%. We also ensure that there is sufficient generation and demand held in readiness to manage all credible circumstances that might result in frequency variations.

There are two categories of frequency response:

  • Dynamic frequency response is a continuously provided service which manages the normal second-by-second changes on the system.
  • Non-dynamic response is usually a discrete service triggered at a defined frequency deviation.

Find out more about our frequency response services and how to get involved.

Frequency data

Our extranet provides real-time data, such as demand and frequency data, over the last 60 minutes.

Find more information on the historic frequency data, covering up to and including 2020 at a 1-second resolution. The data for 2021 and beyond is on our NESO Data Portal.