Future of response services

Current areas of focus for improvements to the Dynamic Response ServicesDynamic Containment (DC), Dynamic Moderation (DM) and Dynamic Regulation (DR) include investigating options for Locational Procurement of Dynamic Response Services. We are also considering reform of the two legacy response products Mandatory Frequency Response (MFR) and Static Firm Frequency Response (SFFR). MFR reform will evaluate compliance with regulations and ensure the service better meets the needs of the future system. SFFR reform will evaluate the opportunity to optimise the procurement as part of the wider suite of services.

The following graphic highlights the current service design status of each of the forementioned reforms.

The following graphic highlights the current service design status of each of the forementioned reforms.

Response Reform: January Webinar

We held a webinar to outline the problem statement and initial thinking of the Future of MFR, Static FFR Reform and Location Procurement of Dynamic Response Services. 

Following the webinar, we asked industry parties to provide feedback on the initial design concepts through a survey and further 121s. All the information collated will be used in the next stage of development. If you would like to provide feedback or request a 121 call please complete this survey.

The content from the webinar is available below:

Slides Q&A Recording


Future frequency response products

Rich text

Technical workshops

Following the webinar and survey, we ran three workshops with selected members of the industry throughout May.  These workshops allowed us to discuss our proposals in more detail, explore the reasons behind some of the design decisions we have made, and understand providers' views firsthand. 

View presentation to industry workshops

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