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System security services
Maximum Generation - Contracted stations 24/25
System security services
NGED MWD Enhancements PID
System security services
Business Guidance Document for MW Dispatch Service to provide additional information for Providers. These rules are specific for UKPN.
System security services
Update on Procurement Process - Extension to Contract Term
System security services
2019/2020 - The Monthly Balancing Services Summary (MBSS) gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the National Energy System Operator. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each individual service. The most recent month is based on preliminary figures, which are subject to change once updated information becomes available. These changes will be evident in the datasets of future months. Alongside the data files are the pdf reports of the data, giving some extra insight and analysis.
System security services
2020/2021 - The Monthly Balancing Services Summary (MBSS) gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the National Energy System Operator. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each individual service. The most recent month is based on preliminary figures, which are subject to change once updated information becomes available. These changes will be evident in the datasets of future months. Alongside the data files are the pdf reports of the data, giving some extra insight and analysis.
System security services
2021/2022 - The Monthly Balancing Services Summary (MBSS) gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the National Energy System Operator. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each individual service. The most recent month is based on preliminary figures, which are subject to change once updated information becomes available. These changes will be evident in the datasets of future months. Alongside the data files are the pdf reports of the data, giving some extra insight and analysis.
System security services
2022/2023 - The Monthly Balancing Services Summary (MBSS) gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the National Energy System Operator. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each individual service. The most recent month is based on preliminary figures, which are subject to change once updated information becomes available. These changes will be evident in the datasets of future months. Alongside the data files are the pdf reports of the data, giving some extra insight and analysis.
System security services
2023/2024 - The Monthly Balancing Services Summary (MBSS) gives the costs and volumes of balancing services used by the National Energy System Operator. These costs are broken into individual months in the past financial year, as well as by each individual service. The most recent month is based on preliminary figures, which are subject to change once updated information becomes available. These changes will be evident in the datasets of future months. Alongside the data files are the pdf reports of the data, giving some extra insight and analysis.
System security services
Description: Selected questions and answers from potential MW Dispatch service providers submitted during (or after) publicly held webinars held by UKPN and NESO.