The connections team have put together a bank of frequently asked questions about the connections application process on this page.

You can find answers to additional questions on the following topics, in the FAQ document below: Connections Action Plan (CAP), reform, letter of authority, queue management, accelerated storage, two step offers and more.

This document will be updated regularly so please continue to check back on this page. All information is correct as of the publication date and may be subject to future updates and changes. 

Download our connections FAQ document*  

*Last updated 6 September 2024.

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, please submit an enquiry through the Connections Portal.


You should consider:

  • The type of connection (Demand or Generation)
  • The size of your connection
  • Where and when you would like to connect
  • What planning consents you will require
  • Ideal timescales for connection

The pre-application meeting is an opportunity to discuss your connection plans and the details of your connection before you apply. You should register on the Connections Portal and arrange a pre-application meeting through this.

The connection registers provide information about existing and planned connections. They can help you decide where on the NETS would be most suitable for your connection.

You need to contact Ofgem who are responsible for granting licences. The application process can be found on the Ofgem website.

No, this is not a prerequisite for application submission, however a Letter of Authority from the land owner of the intended site is required; you can find more information here, under the ‘Essential Application Resources’ tab. You should note that consenting your project will be a key milestone within your contract.

The size category that your generator comes under is dependent on where you connect. The table below shows the capacity of each generator size: 

Size England and Wales South Scotland North Scotland
Small < 50MW < 30 MW < 10 MW
Medium ≥ 50 MW to < 100 MW N/A N/A
Large ≥ 100 MW ≥ 30 MW ≥ 10 MW

A feasibility study can help you understand the impact your project will have on the NETS, and help you decide between a number of connection options. Depending on the nature of the feasibility study required this will either be carried out by the relevant team, NESO or a combination of the two. In the first instance please contact your NESO Contract Manager.

The cost to connect to the NETS depends on the type, size and location of your connection. You will need to pay an initial application fee, as well as ongoing charges throughout your connection journey: 

See sections 14 and 15 of the CUSC for more information on connection charges, securities and their calculation methodologies.

Fixed price application fees will not be reconciled. Variable price application fees will be reconciled based on how much time has been spent assessing your application and putting together your offer and will result in either a further invoice or a credit note.

Application submission

This depends on each project but the variables include connection type (Demand or Generation), size and location of your project and is capped at £400,000 for generation connections. 

More information on application fees can be found in schedule 2 of the latest Charging Statement.

To calculate your application fee, please use the calculator on the Connections Portal.

This depends on what stage your application is withdrawn and how much time and resource has gone into the offer process at that stage.

Withdrawals after ‘clock start’ will have incurred more cost.

See the full application process

If your application is withdrawn at a very early stage your application fee could be refunded in full, otherwise an application fee reconciliation process will need to take place.

Your connection capacity is specified in two ways; you will need to specify both a Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) and Connection Entry Capacity (CEC) in your application.

  • TEC is how much you will export on to the NETS
  • CEC is your maximum potential export of your asset

If you wish to accelerate your connection date, you may choose to opt for a “non-firm” access product which means that there will be certain restrictions on your generation.

Any generator greater than 50MW must provide mandatory services. These services are reactive power and frequency response.

Projects below 50MW can still provide these services, through their own choice.

See the full list of services you could provide

CUSC offer period

Interactive Offer Policy applies where an offer for connection to a customer is due to be made but it would affect the terms of another open offer reliant upon the same transmission reinforcement works.

We have published guidance for managing interactive offers which will explain the process we follow to allocate capacity in these circumstances.

Read our interactive offer guidance

Once your application is clock started, your offer will be issued within three months of the clock start date. 

See the full application process

Offer review / signing period

You will have up to three months to sign and accept your offer, unless your offer becomes interactive. You can find out more information in our Interactivity Policy.

After you have signed your offer, we will countersign the agreement and provide you with your contract.

Any relevant registers, such as the Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) Register will be updated with your project. 

After signing, you will have a month to provide us with any relevant securities and confirm that you meet the required credit rating. 

You will also be expected to provide your Detailed Planning Data.

If you don't sign the offer provided to you by the given date, your offer will lapse. 

This means you will need to resubmit an application if you wish to take up the offer at a later date.

Yes, you can request changes to your contract through the Modification application process.

Common requests for change are a change in TEC or connection date, although these are not the only reasons a modification application may be required.

Changing my Agreement

Modification applications are required when there is a material change to your contract or a change that requires additional study work or assessment.

For most contract changes, e.g. TEC change, connection date change, or a change to technical parameters or design, a Modification application will be required.

Where the change is small and classed as "admin" this can be done for a fixed fee of £3,000.00 plus VAT.

A deed of novation, also known as Novation Agreements, are used to move contracts between separate legal entities.

The agreement confirms the transfer of obligations and liabilities at a given point in time and are usually held between three parties, NESO, the original company and the new company; commonly referred to as a tripartite.

In a connections contract, a Novation Agreement could be needed if a contracted party transfers ownership of a project or group of projects to another developer, a contracted party creates a new company under their parent company umbrella for a particular project or a company that changes company number.


In order to terminate your NESO agreement, a formal notice of termination is required and should be sent to your NESO Contract Manager.

On termination of your contract(s) the cancellation charge will become payable, if applicable.
The charge will be made up of spend relating to any works already carried out for your connection, in line with the relevant securities methodology (either CMP192 or Final Sums).

Securities can be placed as Cash, a Parent Company Guarantee (PCG), Letter of Credit (LoC), Bond or through proof of Credit Rating.

You are able to make use of the transmission system without being connected directly to it e.g. being connected at distribution level.

If you wish to hold TEC and make use of the transmission system but are not connected directly to it you will need a generator agreement.

A credit rating of A3/A1 by S&P or Moodys.

The non-placement of security would be classed as an event of default under the Construction Agreement and would lead to termination of your contract(s).

This depends on the size of the change and how far into the offer process you have progressed.

In cases where capacity, technology types or connection timescales are impacted by the change and TO studies have been carried out this may result in the requirement for the withdrawal and resubmission of an application.

You should discuss changes with your NESO Connections Contract Manager who will advise what needs to be done.

During the course of your project, there may be times where you are requested to disconnect from the system for a short period.

This can be planned or unplanned action taken by NESO due to system conditions.

Depending on the conditions within your contract, you may be entitled to claim back for the interruption through an Relevant Interruption claim.

Once you are connected, you will be liable for the following charges:

Note that this list is not exhaustive and other charges may be applicable.

For firm unrestricted connections, there should be minimal limitations on the output of your generation. This is always subject to system conditions.

However, if you hold a non-firm agreement, there will be more conditions on output at certain times or under certain system conditions.

Additional help and information

If you can’t find the answer to your question in the FAQs, have a look on one of the pages below.

Do you have a question about a domestic electricity connection?

We don’t connect directly to homes or other domestic properties. But you can find out more about domestic connections here.

Explore our glossary of terms

As an industry we love an acronym. Find out what they mean in our glossary, along with other terms and abbreviations.

Ask the Connections team

Our dedicated team of NESO Connections Contract Managers will be happy to answer any of your questions.