Virtual Energy System Data Sharing Infrastructure (DSI) Pilot

Project summary

Digitalisation and data sharing are critical enablers to the achievement of net zero. This project will be developing a Pilot for the Data Sharing Infrastructure (DSI), by bringing together expertise from the ESO, project partners and the National Digital Twin Programme.

Name Status Project reference number Start date Prosposed End date
Virtual Energy System Data Sharing Infrastructure (DSI) Pilot Live NIA2_NGESO081 Sep 2024 Mar 2025


Strategy theme Funding mechanism Technology Expenditure
Net zero and the energy system transition NIA_RIIO-2 Digital Network £1,450,000

The project will develop the DSI capability and demonstrate whether or not it can support scalable data sharing through an outage planning use case. The pilot is an important phase in developing the wider objective of the VirtualES and will leverage expertise from previous project stages to create a working pilot to demonstrate the technology.  


Previous work on the technical alignment between VirtualES, the National Digital Twin Programme and related energy sector programmes including Open Energy allowed the preceding projects to reduce duplication and enhance interoperability while preparing for this pilot phase. The Alpha phase of this project, NIA2_NGESO065, (Nov-22 to July 23) created a standardised approach to how a benefit analysis is undertaken across the VirtualES use cases and considers the following benefit categories, improved system operability and resilience, reduced carbon emissions, reduced consumer bills and other wider benefits. 
The pilot use case, and the other use cases being developed in the wider VirtualES programme, would individually and jointly deliver benefits to the energy system including greater system operability and resilience; reduced greenhouse gas emissions; and reduced consumer bills. If successful, the pilot is expected to prove the technical credibility of sharing data using this scalable data sharing infrastructure (DSI) model and enable further use cases to be delivered using the DSI.  

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