CSNP Decision Making Tool

Project summary

NESO has historically used Least Worst Regret (LWR) analysis to identify the preferred long-term electricity transmission network reinforcement options based on potential futures provided by the Future Energy Scenarios (FES). 

Name Status Project reference number Start date Proposed End date
Centralised Strategic Network Plan Decision Making Tool (CSNP) Live NIA2_NESO096 Nov 2024 Jan 2025


Strategy theme Funding mechanism Technology Expenditure
Net zero and the energy system transition NIA_RIIO-2 Modelling £90,000

NESO has historically used Least Worst Regret (LWR) analysis to identify the preferred long-term electricity transmission network reinforcement options based on potential futures provided by the Future Energy Scenarios (FES). LWR is regarded as “risk-averse” approach (avoiding risk or uncertainty). NESO is moving from using a range of scenarios to a Single Strategic Energy Pathway (SSEP) for nearer term followed by a range of Future Energy Pathways (FEP) for long-term.  

In the absence of multiple scenarios in the nearer term and with the need for anticipatory investments, LWR may not be the best decision-making tool. This project will appraise an array of analytical framework options, narrow down to those most promising for the CSNP, and undertake worked examples to conclude with the recommended tool and an implementation roadmap highlighting a suitable deployment path.​ 


The economic decision-making tools developed through this project will ensure that sufficient investment for electricity transmission network reinforcements is delivered on time to meet Net Zero targets. By addressing the complexities of a high uncertainty and high investment energy landscape, the tools will provide essential transparency, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions with confidence.​ 

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