CMP431:Adjustments to TNUoS Charging from 2025 to support the Market Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme (Non-Charging)

This modification looks to amend the CUSC Section 3 ‘Use of System’ and Section 11 ‘Interpretations and Definitions’ to rectify defects relating to demand locational Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charging that will become apparent during the Migration Phase of the Market Wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme, taking place between April 2025 and October 2026. 

Modification status:
Withdrawn - Workgroup
Last updated:
27 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Deborah Spencer [email protected] 

Proposed Governance Route: Urgent Standard Governance

Impacts:  High Impact: Suppliers, Embedded Generators, Transmission connected Demand, ESO

Code modification proposed by:
Neil Dewar