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Future energy
Project summarySignificant electrification of heating is a fundamental requirement for decarbonisation.
Future energy
Project summaryThe ESOs ability to forecast electricity demand has reduced as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Future energy
Project summaryWith wind and solar power increasingly vital to the GB energy system, understanding extreme weather events that could drastically affect power production and consumption is crucial.
Future energy
Project summaryTransmission Network Use of System charges recover the annual cost of provision, maintenance, and upgrade of the electricity transmission system, levied on generators (c.£800m) and…
Future energy
Project summaryThis project aims to develop a dynamic model for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) hydrogen plants within DIgSILENT PowerFactory software, addressing a critical need for the UK's…
Future energy
Project summaryThe current lack of centralised clarity in dispatch reasoning makes it difficult to identify and evaluate possible process improvements to mitigate perceived skips.
Future energy
Project summaryThe large-scale uptake of heat pumps to decarbonise the GB residential heat sector is expected to significantly impact the magnitude and shape of the electricity demand profiles at…
Future energy
Project summaryThreats of instabilities posed by high fractions of inverter-based resources (IBRs) force the system operators to operate conservatively by curtailing wind or limiting interconnector…
Future energy
Project summaryThis project will build on existing consumer building blocks to combine learnings from the first and second Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) and create a more granular set of…
Future energy
Project summaryNESO has historically used Least Worst Regret (LWR) analysis to identify the preferred long-term electricity transmission network reinforcement options based on potential futures…