Data finder and explorer

On this page, you can download and use our data finder to quickly and easily locate the data you're looking for. You can also explore data on this page relating to the commercial operation of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS).

Data finder

Please download our interactive data finder below to quickly and easily locate the data you require.

Download our PDF

Forecast volumes and costs

Here you can find the breakdown of operating margin (OPMR) based on forecast volume of reserve, frequency response required, annual weighting factors for STOR contracts, and BSIS and BSUoS costs.

Find out more

Data explorer

You can explore the data below which includes cost and volume forecasts, and outcomes relating to balancing services, reserve, and response. We also include information here associated with contract and services reports, showing the costs of balancing services and the results of tender assessments. 

Real-time demand data

Click here to view a graph of demand data over the last 60 minutes.

Historic frequency data

Fixed price and index-linked contract volumes

Rich text

As announced in the NGESO Forum and Transparency Seminars, as we as the notice here, the Fixed price and index-linked contract volumes have no (on Dec 11 2020) moved to our new exciting data portal, you can also find historic enactment there too.

We are required to publish BSAD. You can access the data via the BSAD portal.

For any issues in the contact us please contact on [email protected].

PGBT offer details

We will provide PGBT offer submission data on a reasonable-endeavours basis by the end of business day + 1.

Each PGBT offer submission is reported against the start date of the PGBT requirement with which this offer is associated.

All valid offers will be published even if they are subsequently withdrawn or expire.

The Requirement Identifier Code is a unique number associated with each PGBT requirement identified by National Grid.

If you have any questions, please contact our NETA helpdesk on 0800 777770.