Grid Code Modifications

You can raise a modification – or mod – when you want to propose a change to any part of the Grid Code

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Search for any current or concluded modifications by name or ID. You can sort mods by ID, name, status or date of update. Or filter according to status.

Modification status
ID Name Status Last Updated Sort ascending
GC0173 GC0​173​: Consistency of Technical and Compliance Requirements between GB and European Users Current
GC0169 GC0169: Material changes arising from Grid Code Modification GC0136 Current
GC0164 GC0164: Simplification of Operating Code No.2 Current
GC0155 GC0155: Clarification of Fault Ride Through Technical Requirements Current
GC0174 GC0174: Removal of obligation to provide EU Transparency Availability Data as specified in OC2.4.7 Current
GC0139 GC0139: Enhanced Planning-Data Exchange to Facilitate Whole System Planning Current
GC0175 GC0175: Removing references to “Fax” or “Facsimile” within the Grid Code Current
GC0177 GC0​177​: Planning and Operational Compliance Contacts Current
GC0168 GC0168: Submission of Electro Magnetic Transient (EMT) Models Current
GC0166 GC0166: Introducing new Balancing Mechanism Parameters for Limited Duration Assets Current

More about modifications

Modification Tracker

Our Tracker gives you the latest details on current code modifications including the purpose and the stakeholders it affects, as well as panel comments and where it is in the review process. It is published on the 7th (or next working day) of each month.

Modification Proposal Form

If you're thinking about raising a modification, please get in touch with us. Our experts can give you advice on your Proposal, explain how the modification process works and help to answer any questions you may have. When we receive your Proposal, we'll check it through and work together to make sure it's easy to understand.


Once you've been in touch and are ready to write your Proposal paper, send it to us by the monthly modification submission date which you can find on our Calendar.