GC0106: Data exchange requirements in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 (SOGL)

This modification seeks to make changes to data exchange requirements in the Grid Code arising from the EU regulation SOGL to ensure compliance.

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0106: Data exchange requirements in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 (SOGL)
Last updated:
23 August 2024

This modification was raised by:

National Grid in October 2017

The governance route for this modification is:


The impact of this modification is on:

Independent Distribution Network Operators, Distribution Network Operators, Interconnectors and Transmission owners (incl OFTOs), GB NETSO, Distribution connected Generators, Demand response and reserve providers, interconnectors, Transmission connected Generators and Demand Customers

The modification is currently at:

Report with the Authority