Contact charging
Need to talk to us about own-bills, forecast costs or the calculation of the billing methodology? Get in touch with the relevant team.
To enquire about Transmission Network Use of System charges, billing and tariff setting:
Email: [email protected]
To enquire about Balancing Services Use of System charges and billing:
Email:[email protected]
To enquire about connection charges:
Email: [email protected]
Code administrator
For more information about CUSC, SQSS and the grid code:
Email: [email protected]
Depending on whether you’re interested in how charges work now, or how they should work in the future; here we share the ways you can get involved in charging through forums, code modifications and industry reforms.
If you are unsure on what to get involved in, take a look at our beginners guide to code change pages, to see what most interests you.

Charging forum
At our annual forum our experts explain our various charges; how they’re forecast, calculated, billed and imminent industry modifications that will impact them.
Register your interest for the next charging forum and view the material from previous forums.

Current proposed changes to charging methodologies
The charging methodologies are set out in section 14 of the Connection and Use of the System Code (CUSC). You can get involved with discussions of draft proposals at the transmission charging methodology forum (TCMF), take a look at the current proposals to modify the CUSC, get involved in modification workgroups, and have your say on proposals by responding to consultations.
Submit a charging query
If you have a query related to charging, please use the form below and we'll get back to you within the next business day.
Before you submit your query, you might want to view our guidance available on the charging documentation page.