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Balancing services
The Long-term 2029 tender is being run as a simultaneous procurement process (a bundled tender process) seeking stability, reactive power and restoration services from 2029 onwards. This…
Balancing services
Voltage Network Services look for cost-effective and clean sources of reactive power, enabling NESO to manage voltage levels on the transmission system.Our first step is to carry out detailed…
Balancing services
The Stability Markets allow NESO to secure operation of the network at lowest cost to consumers. Updates on progress and any new tenders can be found here.
Balancing services
In 2021, NESO launched the Stability Market Design innovation project to explore the design for the enduring stability market. This project concluded in July 2023 with AFRY consultants…
Balancing services
Stability Network Services look for cost-effective and clean solutions to address stability issues in the electricity system created by the decline in transmission connected synchronous generation…
Balancing services
What is Network Services?As NESO, it’s our job to keep the grid stable at all times so we can deliver safe and reliable electricity. We’re also preparing to operate at zero-carbon by 2025 as part of…
Transmission Charging Methodologies Forum (TCMF) established under the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) to provide a regular forum for discussion on the development of charging…
Balancing services
As NESO, our vision is to meet the future needs of the electricity system by making the most of all resources available on the system in a flexible and economic way.
Strategic planning
In early-2025, NESO will become responsible for producing Regional Energy Strategic Plans (RESPs) for England, Scotland and Wales. The plans will help ensure that local areas get the energy…