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Balancing services
The Long-term 2029 tender is being run as a simultaneous procurement process (a bundled tender process) seeking stability, reactive power and restoration services from 2029 onwards. This…
Balancing services
Voltage Network Services look for cost-effective and clean sources of reactive power, enabling NESO to manage voltage levels on the transmission system.Our first step is to carry out detailed…
Balancing services
Stability Network Services look for cost-effective and clean solutions to address stability issues in the electricity system created by the decline in transmission connected synchronous generation…
Balancing services
What is Network Services?As NESO, it’s our job to keep the grid stable at all times so we can deliver safe and reliable electricity. We’re also preparing to operate at zero-carbon by 2025 as part of…
Balancing services
The Constraint Management Intertrip Service (CMIS) looks for ways to reduce the cost of managing constraints at various locations on the electricity system.The Future Energy Scenarios (FES)…
Balancing services
Update to contracts awarded under Stability Pathfinder Phase 3
Balancing services
Update to contracts awarded under Stability Pathfinder Phase 3
Balancing services
The Document provides clarification to Voltage Mersey Providers on the process to follow when there is a planned/…
Balancing services
The Document provides clarification to Voltage Mersey Providers on the process to follow when there is a planned/…
Balancing services
The Document provides clarification to Voltage Mersey Providers on the process to follow when there is a planned/…