Winter Operations

On this page we share all documentation relating to Winter Operations.

Winter operations 2023

Here you can find all information relating to our winter operations for 2023.

Operational Transparency Forum

Our weekly Operational Transparency Forum (OTF) is where experts from the NESO review the previous week’s activities. It provides an update on recent events and holds a live question and answer session focusing on ENCC operations and activities.

Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)

DFS was introduced in winter (22/23) to access additional flexibility typically over winter peak days when national demand is at its highest. As part of a range of tools designed to help manage the electricity system this winter, we want to collaborate with providers to allow participating consumers and businesses to reduce their bills this winter.

Winter Outlook 2023/24

Helping to inform the electricity industry and prepare for the winter ahead.

Key documents

Here you can find all policy documentation relating to Winter Operations, particularly considering Winter 2022.

Demand Control and Emergency Arrangements

This document provides information related to the instigation of Demand Control and the notices and warnings that may be issued in the period preceding.

Interconnector Guidelines

This document provides clarity of the guidelines we apply to interconnector operation to manage situations where there is a risk of demand control in GB.

Capacity Market Notices and NESO Operations

This document illustrates NESO policy on the interaction of Capacity Market Notices with our operational decision making.

Demand Flexibility Service – Winter 2022

This document provides an overview of the Demand Flexibility Service.

Balancing Actions above the Value of Lost Load (VoLL)

This document illustrates NESO policy in the event that required system and/or energy actions exceed the cost of Value of Lost Load (VoLL) as established under the Balancing and Settlement Code.

Winter Contingency Contracts 2022

This document provides additional detail on the Winter Contingency Contracts that NESO has entered into at the request of the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Order of Action – Winter 2022

This document sets out the NESO policy on the order of actions it will take, particularly with respect to the Winter Contingency Contracts and the Demand Flexibility Service.