GC0109: Publication of the various GB electricity Warnings or Notices or Alerts or Declarations or Instructions or Directions etc. (“System Warning Alerts”) issued by or to the Network Operator(s).

GC0109 seeks to publish on BMRS any System Warning Alerts (identified within the scope of GC0109) that are not currently shared with market participants.

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0109: Publication of the various GB electricity Warnings or Notices or Alerts or Declarations or Instructions or Directions etc. (“System Warning Alerts”) issued by or to the Network Operator(s).
Last updated:
26 August 2024

This modification was raised by:

SSE in February 2018

The governance route for this modification is:


The impact of this modification is on: Transmission Owners (including OFTOs and Interconnectors), Distribution Network Operators, Transmission System Users, the ESO, ELEXON and Generators

Implemented: 23 August 2021

Code modification proposed by:
Garth Graham
