GC0104: EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Demand Connection Code

This modification will set out within the Grid Code new compliance obligations as specified in the Demand Connection Code (DCC): Technical requirements for new* Transmission-connected Demand Facilities; Transmission-connected Distribution Facilities and Distribution Systems. Technical requirements for Demand Units used by a Demand Facility or a Closed Distribution System to provide Demand Response Services to System Operators. * ‘New’ is defined as not being connected to the system at the time that the code enters into force and not having concluded a final and binding contract for the purchase of main plant items by two years after entry into force.

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0104: EU Connection Codes GB Implementation – Demand Connection Code
Last updated:
23 August 2024

This modification was raised by:

National Grid in August 2017

The governance route for this modification is:


The impact of this modification is on:

Transmission System Operators (TSOs), Transmission Connected Demand Facilities, Demand Facilities providing DSR, Aggregators and Directly Connected Transmission Facilities; Distribution Network Operators and Operators of Demand schemes considering modernisation