Static Firm Frequency Response (SFFR)
Static FFR will continue to be actively procured until replaced with a future enduring static product.
The minimum entry threshold for SFFR is 1MW which can be provided by either a single or aggregated assets. The requirements for delivery of SFFR are as follows.
- Static frequency response is a non-dynamic frequency response service which is triggered at a defined frequency deviation (49.7).
- Static response – response provided within 30 seconds and sustained until 30 minutes following the point at which the frequency trigger was reached.
SFFR is procured through a daily tender process. Once service providers succeed in the pre-qualification process through the Single Market Platform they will be able to tender into the daily tenders.
SFFR tender results are published on the ESO data portal.
As part of SFFR onboarding providers will need to test their assets in accordance with the testing procedure described in the SFFR Testing Guidance prior to being able submit tenders. For further information please contact your Account Manager or our commercial operations team: [email protected]
Current documentation
Asset testing
Before an asset can participate in the FFR tenders, it must pass testing for the service which it is bidding in to. Asset testing is a series of tests designed to prove that the assets can deliver the service according to the service design. Tests are signed off by an independent technical engineer, using the template in the testing documentation.
Contractual documents
FFR's contractual documents include the latest standard contract terms and a signed framework agreement.
Market information reports
We publish the FFR post-tender reports and market information reports from TR136 onwards on the NESO data portal.
Name | Published Sort ascending |
FFR Market Information (Sep 19) | 23 Jul 2019 |
FFR Market Information (Aug 19) | 26 Jun 2019 |
FFR Market information (August 19) Table | 26 Jun 2019 |
FFR Market Information (July-19) Table | 28 May 2019 |
FFR Market Information (July 19) EXT | 28 May 2019 |
FFR Market Information (June 19) Table | 26 Apr 2019 |
FFR Market Information (June 19) | 26 Apr 2019 |
FFR Market Information (May-19) Table | 26 Mar 2019 |
FFR Market Information (May 19) | 26 Mar 2019 |
FFR Market Information (Apr-19) Table | 26 Feb 2019 |
FFR framework agreements
There are several different FFR framework agreements. Depending on how you register the unit delivering the service (BM or non-BM), and how the unit is made up (single or aggregated assets) will determine which framework agreement you'll need. It's possible to have multiple framework agreements.