Resource adequacy
Resource adequacy assesses the potential risks to security of supply and whether there are sufficient available resources to meet electricity demand throughout the year.

Resource Adequacy in the 2030s: Demand-Side Response Spotlight Study
We promised a number of spotlight studies in response to feedback from our first resource adequacy study. This spotlight on demand-side response (DSR) is the second of those studies and explores the role of DSR on resource adequacy. We will continue to publish more spotlights ahead of our next resource adequacy study.

Resource Adequacy in the 2030s: Spotlight on security of supply metrics
Last July we published an update to our Resource Adequacy plans. We promised a number of spotlight studies. This spotlight on metrics is the first of those studies, and we expect further spotlight studies to be published soon.

2035 Resource Adequacy - July 2023 update
Last December we published our first Resource Adequacy study and engaged with industry at round table events last March and April. As a result we’ve reflected on the stakeholder feedback and are inviting nominations from industry, government and academia to join our expert advisory group to develop our future studies.

Resource adequacy in the 2030s
In this first study, we commissioned AFRY to undertake a long-term adequacy study to assess the risks to security of supply in a fully decarbonised power system and the resources needed in the 2030s to ensure adequacy.