Reactive Power Market Design
Between October 2021 and March 2022, the ESO acquired Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) funding and partnered with AFRY to work with industry to develop and propose potential solutions to reform the reactive power services.
As a result of this work the project is explored potential solutions to help address the challenges in controlling system voltage.
To address the challenges we are facing for system voltage control, the NGESO used a holistic and interactive approach to exploring potential solutions that could enable more participants across technologies and connection types, to provide reactive power services in the right locations. The market design aims to maintain system voltage security and drive down the overall reactive power costs to maximise consumer benefits.
The project explored potential solutions to help address the challenges in controlling system voltage, looking at enabling more participants across technologies and connection types and explored the feasibility of introducing -
- A long-term market (Y-4)
- A mid-term market (Y-1)
- A short-term Day Ahead market (D-1)
Below you can find the latest material from our workshops and webinars.
Reactive Power Market – April 2022
Future of Reactive Power project – FAQs – April 2022
Future of Reactive Power project – February 2022
Watch the recording or download the slides from our February 2022 Commercial and Technical conclusions workshop.
Future of reactive power workshops