FAQ Session

Group of employees talking

FAQ Session

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Here we have compiled answers to some of the most common queries we receive. Our goal is to provide quick and easy access to information needed.

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What is the day-ahead and intra-day market? 

In the day-ahead market customers can sell or buy energy for the next 24 hours in a closed auction. Orders are matched to maximize social welfare while taking network constraints provided by transmission system operators into consideration. Read more here.


What are the Benefits of Interconnectors to the GB Transmission System?

To meet carbon reduction targets, the UK needs to introduce significant volumes of low-carbon generation, such as photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind-driven turbines, to replace conventional generation that relies on burning coal and gas. Interconnectors will also play a significant role in meeting the carbon reduction targets. The European Commission set a target of having interconnection capacity of a minimum of 10% of generation capacity by 2020 and proposals to increase this to 15% by 2030. Read more here.


What is the order of the Everyday Actions Webinar?

Watch the webinar here.


What is the Interconnector Emergency Action from March 2023?

Read our Operational Transparency Forum slide pack here.