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Content (40103)
Strategic planning
The onshore transmission network in Scotland is owned by SSEN Transmission and SP Transmission. The Scottish NETS is divided into 7 boundaries: B0 – Upper North SSEN Transmission B1a…
Strategic planning
The North of England transmission region includes the network between the Scottish border and the North Midlands. Boundaries B7a and B8 are in this region.The map below shows the general pattern…
Energy 101
As we transition to zero carbon technologies we need new tools to deliver inertia, frequency and other stability services. Grid Forming technology allows batteries and renewables to deliver the same…
Balancing services
This Statement provides tracked change details of updates to the ABSVD Methodology proposed under the Ad Hoc C9…
Balancing services
This Statement provides tracked change details of updates to the BSAD Methodology proposed under the Ad Hoc C9…
Balancing services
This Statement provides tracked change details of updates to the Balancing Principles Statement proposed under the Ad…
Balancing services
This proforma details the questions NESO would like industry to respond to regarding the proposed updates as part of…
Balancing services
The consultation draft of the Service Terms for the Dynamic Response Markets
Balancing services
We are currently working through some outstanding design questions and as we develop the design, we are engaging with industry on the proposed.
Future energy
As NESO transitions to Net Zero, we are seeing a rapid increase in the volume of flexibility assets connecting to distribution networks. This increase is changing how the assets behave and unlocks…