Operability Strategy Report 2023

The ESO’s annual Operability Strategy Report explains the challenges we face in operating a rapidly changing electricity system to enable a zero-carbon electricity system in 2035.
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Decarbonisation, decentralisation, and digitalisation are driving significant change across the electricity network, impacting how we operate the system now and into the future.

To help us understand and find solutions for future operational challenges, the ESO publishes an annual Operability Strategy Report. The latest report is now available to download.

What’s in this year’s report?

To decarbonise Great Britain’s electricity system and operate a zero-carbon network in 2025, we’re delivering transformational and innovative new systems, and world-first products and services.  

Our stability pathfinders and voltage pathfinders reduce our reliance on fossil fuelled generation for critical transmission system services. And we can already maintain our system restoration capability without warming or running fossil fuelled plant.

We’re also delivering frequency services fit for operating a zero-carbon network where system frequency will, at times, be more variable.

We are also developing ground breaking system operability solutions for Within-Day Flexibility and Adequacy to balance the system.

Visit System Operability Framework (SOF) to download the Operability Report Strategy 2023 infographic.

The system will continue to evolve as we strive towards net zero. This means a fundamental change in how our system is operated – integrating newer technologies right across the system – from large scale off-shore wind to domestic scale solar panels, to increased demand side participation.

We recognise the critical nature of our work – to ensure safety and reliability, to lower consumer bills, reduce environmental damage and increase overall societal benefits and we are committed to collaborating with industry to unlock this value.

How does it relate to other ESO work?

As with previous reports, there is a close interaction between the Markets Roadmap and the Operability Strategy Report. These two documents complement one another with the Operability Strategy Report defining our operational requirements and future system needs, while the Markets Roadmap explains how our markets are evolving to meet these future needs in the most efficient way.

Get involved

On the 24 January we hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key messages within the report and to get industry feedback through polls and Q&A. You can find the recording and Q&A below.

Watch the Operability Strategy Report 2023 webinar 

Download the Q&A

We would also welcome to your comments and feedback on our overall approach to our operability challenges or any specific feedback on the report content. Please get in touch by emailing us at [email protected].

Download the 2023 Operability Strategy Report

Stability deep dive webinar - 28 March

This webinar will provide a deep dive into our stability workstream, looking at what we have achieved to date, what the future challenges are and what we are doing to resolve these challenges. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A.

Register for our Stability Deep Dive webinar