Discuss the future of energy in your local area
6 Mar 2025 - 3 minute read
We’ve published our Electricity Ten Year Statement (ETYS) 2023, our view of future transmission requirements and the capability of Great Britain’s National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) over the next ten years.
This year, ETYS has been released earlier than normal, allowing time for industry to review the system needs in advance of our network investment process. We’ve also received a direction from Ofgem allowing us to align the publication of the ETYS technical appendices with our TCSNP2 publication later in the year.
ETYS continues to highlight that over the next 10-20 years, we see increased requirements across some key network boundaries. As we strive towards net zero, the requirements of the system will continue to grow.In line with our ambition to expand ETYS to communicate a wider set of system needs, this year we have integrated our Voltage Screening results into ETYS. We also continue to showcase our work in year-round thermal analysis.
This year’s ETYS forms part of our second Transitional Centralised Strategic Network Plan (TCSNP2) where we will publish the technical appendices from ETYS 2023 to align with the TCSNP2 publication. This will allow us to ensure that our maps and data reflect the latest investment decisions made in TCSNP2.