Discuss the future of energy in your local area
6 Mar 2025 - 3 minute read
Great Britain’s ambition to achieve a net-zero energy system can’t be delivered without the network available to transport zero-carbon electricity from where it’s generated to where it’ll be used. Our electricity needs are forecast to increase up to 15% by 2030 and 40% by 2035 as we see electricity playing a greater role in heating our homes and businesses and powering our transport.
In our Electricity Ten Year Statement (ETYS), we set out our view on the future transmission requirements and the capabilities of Great Britain’s National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) to meet this forecasted growth in demand. We’ve based this view on the pathways in our latest Future Energy Scenarios (FES) and our Clean Power 2030 Pathways.
The ETYS provides an assessment of the capability and needs of the network over the next ten years. Through our analysis, we can identify areas of transmission network that require more transfer capacity to be added through network reinforcement to reduce constraints and allow the connections of more network participants.
Achieving clean power by 2030 will require significant reinforcement of Britain’s electricity network. Our Clean Power 2030 report identified 80 critical projects that are essential to achieve this goal. Three of these projects need to be accelerated to deliver for 2030. Further reinforcement of the network will be required after 2030 as detailed in our Beyond 2030 report. Our analysis of the Clean Power 2030 pathways has emphasised the need for rapid deployment of additional boundary capabilities to reduce network constraints and facilitate the connection of more renewable energy sources.
Coordinated and timely network reinforcements will be crucial to lowering network constraint costs. The ETYS highlights the need to enhance the power transfer capacity between regions to avoid exceeding system capabilities that can lead to constraint costs. Our Constraint Management Intertrip Services are being developed to reduce constraints across the EC5 boundary in East Anglia and the B2-B5 boundary in Central Scotland. More market-based solutions may be required in future to reduce costs and allow the connections of more renewable energy projects.
Emerging high and low voltage issues will present challenges for the electricity transmission system. In recent years we’ve seen limited voltage issues around the network and our analysis shows growing requirement for voltage support over the coming years. We’ll continue to explore options to address these needs, including through our Network Services Procurement efforts. Regions such as Southern and Central Scotland, Northwest England, the East of England, the Midlands and London are identified as areas requiring high levels of voltage support. Addressing these issues will be vital in maintaining a stable and reliable energy supply as the network evolves.
We’re moving towards a more strategic and long-term approach to network planning with the Centralised Strategic Network Plan (CSNP). The CSNP takes a long-term approach to energy planning, covering electricity transmission, gas transmission and, in future, potential hydrogen system planning up to 2050. The CSNP will accelerate the delivery of infrastructure and align network planning with Government policy and net-zero targets.
The Strategic Spatial Energy Plan will spatially map the optimal mix and location of clean generation and storage to meet forecasted demand, net zero targets, and security of supply for all consumers. These will be optimised against high-level network needs as well as against cost, environment and community impact, economic growth, and other agreed objectives.
Visit our ETYS webpage to view the full report, our detailed analysis and other supporting documents.