Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan published

Our role in industry is evolving and our approach to digitalisation needs to evolve with it.
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We’ve published our latest Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan which establishes our Digital First path towards becoming a Digital Leader. 

Why is the strategy needed? 

The new Energy Act 2023 will transform the UK’s energy system by strengthening energy security and supporting the safe and sustainable delivery of net zero. Our evolution to the National Energy System Operator (NESO) in 2024 will position us at the heart of the energy transition, catalysing broader industry innovation and collaboration as our role expands beyond electricity.  

Through our Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan, we will continue to deliver our Business Plan (BP) 2 commitments whilst settling the foundational pathways towards future growth that will maximise NESO outcomes and value. It puts customers first in everything we do, ensuring we work closely together to build the industry’s digitalisation journey, acknowledging that achieving the decarbonisation goals will require a collective effort from all. 

What’s in the 2023 Strategy? 

To encapsulate our NESO responsibilities and advisory position, we created a new Digitalisation Strategy vision: Utilising the power of data and innovation, we will become a Digital Leader and drive collaborative digitalisation of the whole energy system.  

Digitalisation Strategy wheel

We bring this vision to life through a set of flexible and adaptable Digitalisation Strategy Principles that guide our investment and prioritisation for technology decisions. These Principles start with a Digital Culture at their centre, aligning our culture on reinvention through digitalisation. Our Accelerators branch off that culture to facilitate how we deliver digital and data throughout the organisation. These focus on the Digital Customer Experience, being Future Technology Led, utilising Modern Architecture, creating a Data and Information Ecosystem, and being Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven in our approaches to all digital initiatives. To support these initiatives, we identified Digital Skills and Learning, Cyber Security, and Resilient Digital Operations as necessary Enablers.  

We will remain regularly engaged with our customers going forward, making these living principles that can be continuously iterated to best address industry needs and to ensure we unlock innovation by enabling customer digital journeys. This will ensure they remain relevant, ambitious, aligned, and value-driven in this constantly evolving digital world. 

Get involved

To create the Strategy, we met with our Technology Advisory Council (TAC) and organisations in key customer groups to better understand their needs for the future. However, this engagement cannot stop here if we are to become a Digital Leader and achieve our vision.  

 To get involved in future consortiums addressing the industry’s digital future, or if you have feedback on this strategy, please email us: [email protected].