Janice Crawford to step down as Non-Executive Director

Ariel shot of field with single track country roads

Our Non-Executive Director, Janice Crawford, will be stepping down from her role on the NESO Board at the end of March.

Janice joined the Board in June 2023 and over her time with ESO/NESO, has been Chair of the Compliance Committee and has also served on the Audit & Risk, Nomination and most recently the new Operational Effectiveness & Resilience committees.  

We will of course miss Janice and we are very grateful for everything she has done over the last few years. She has been generous in her time, sharing her wealth of experience in Engineering and Project Management with our teams. 

Janice has recently been appointed to the Board of Severfield, a specialist structural steelwork Group and we wish her well with her new role and all the very best for the future.

Of her time on the Board, Janice said "It has been a great pleasure working with NESO as the company transitioned to a stand-alone company responsible for the coordination and future planning of the GB Energy system. I wish all my NESO colleagues the very best in the critical work they do and I leave with the confidence of knowing that NESO is set up to deliver on a fit for purpose, economical, secure and sustainable energy system."