Transmission Acceleration Public Consultation
NESO has launched a consultation about the proposed response to the Electricity Networks Commissioner’s Report on accelerating electricity transmission network build. The Commissioner’s Report highlighted the actions needed to speed up delivery of new transmission infrastructure to support Great Britain’s energy needs, achieve net zero and support wider economic growth.
The Commissioner’s Report published in August 2023, undertaken by Nick Winser CBE, set out 43 recommendations which taken together aim to halve the end-to-end build time of transmission infrastructure. Four recommendations were made in relation to outage planning which were assigned under the Government’s response to NESO as the action owner. These recommendations seek to achieve a number of benefits through: a longer term approach to access planning, more optimal phasing of network access, increased system access where risk mitigations exist and a more holistic approach to cost realising benefits of alternative delivery methods.

Our Project
Since then, NESO has stood up a project, working with the three Great Britian Onshore Transmission Owners (TOs) to action the Commissioners recommendations. Four workstreams have been established, one for each of the four outage planning recommendations. The paper describes the projects that were undertaken to consider a broad range of initiatives that seek to improve outage planning processes, governance, data exchange and transparency.
This consultation seeks views from stakeholders and customers on the proposals that have been outlined. Given the subject matter this consultation is relatively technical in nature and to help guide responses to the consultation, NESO have set out a number of policy questions in the report which we are seeking views on.

Responding to the consultation
If you wish to respond to the consultation questions in this document, please use the subject heading 'Transmission Acceleration' and email: [email protected]
The consultation will be open for responses until Friday 28 March 2025.