GC0148: Implementation of EU Emergency and Restoration Code Phase II

In December 2019, National Grid ESO submitted its final proposals for implementation of the European Network Code Electricity Emergency and Restoration Code (EU 2017/2196) (NCER) to Ofgem for approval. This had been the result of several years of work which under the NCER was required to be completed by 18 December 2019. Under the NCER, there are a number of articles which have a completion date of 18 December 2022 and 18 December 2024. The aim of this modification is to outline the work that needs to be completed within GB to ensure compliance with NCER and address some other related items which neatly fit within the Emergency and Restoration Code arena.

Modification status:
Implemented - Awaiting Implementation
Last updated:
27 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard-Governance assessed by Workgroup


* High: 

Non-CUSC Parties who in future agree to provide a Defence Service or Restoration Service are likely to be affected by this modification.

Generators who own and operate future Electricity Storage Modules will be affected through the need to transition from import to export at low system frequencies.

Transmission Licensees, Distribution Network Operators and National Grid ESO will be affected by these proposals as a result of the requirements for enhancements to the low frequency demand disconnection scheme particularly in respect of netted demand, improved communications resilience, the robustness of critical tools and facilities, reviews to the System Defence, System Restoration and Test Plan and the capability of backup power supplies.

Facilitating the Distributed Re-Start Project brings potential opportunities to smaller Embedded parties who traditionally would not have been able to participate in System Restoration or Defence Activities

* Low: There will be a low impact on Transmission connected parties who are already bound by the requirements of the NCER and Grid Code.  There will also be limited impact on those parties who are already providing a Black Start Service.



A recording of the Distributed Re-start Webinar can be found here.

Code modification proposed by:
Antony Johnson
