CMP335&CMP336: Transmission Demand Residual - Billing and consequential changes to CUSC Section 3 and 11 (TCR)’ & CMP336 'Transmission Demand Residual - Billing and consequential changes to CUSC Section 14 (TCR)
The Authority published on 21 November 2019 a Direction to NGESO to raise such modifications as are necessary to give effect to their Decision(s) under the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) SCR. CMP332 is developing a methodology for the Residual to be applied only to ‘Final Demand’ on a ‘Site’ basis (as per the Direction); however it does not cover how/when the Residual is recovered from parties once the Residual charges are determined. Broadly, this modification therefore looks to revise existing processes to account for the CMP332 methodology post tariff creation and create new processes to ensure ‘Sites’ are allocated to the correct charging band (as created by CMP332).
Code Administrator Contact: Paul J Mullen - [email protected]
Governance Route: Standard
Implementation Date: 1 April 2023
* High: NGESO, Distribution Network Operators, Suppliers and Demand Users connected to the Transmission Network.