Market Operation Data Interface System (MODIS)

We originally developed the MODIS system (Market Operation Data Interface System) to report market data, focusing on provision of data for the European Transparency (ETR) and REMIT Regulations. MODIS was developed separately from our control room systems to ensure balancing of the system was not compromised. 

MODIS was subsequently extended to calculate and manage new data flows resulting from BSC Modification P305 for De-Rated margins (DRM) and Loss of Load Probabilities (LOLP) as part of the EBSCR project (Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review).  As a result the MODIS system evolved into a more complicated system used by multiple users for a variety of purposes. 

Response to Ofgems REMIT investigation

Ofgem investigated our electricity transmission following the publication of incorrect de-rated margin data between November 2015 and January 2016 to the wholesale energy market. Ofgem published their findings on 20 July 2017.

We have cooperated fully with Ofgem’s investigation to explain the cause of the errors and the steps we have taken to improve.  For clarity, the data error was fully resolved in March 2016 and our response to Ofgem’s letter details the improvements we’ve made to ensure that our systems and processes are robust and compliant. 


The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has specified new common schema formats for inside information (REMIT) web feeds.

Modification P329 describes how this has been implemented for GB market participants.  P329 went live on 29 June 2017.

The new version of the interface specification (v5.12) describes the new ACER REMIT format which has applied since 29 June 2017.  

See also: 

EBSCR Lessons Learned Report

This report provides a summary of the lessons learned from National Grid’s internal Electricity Balancing Significant Code Review (EBSCR) Project.  It includes background information on the MODIS system, timelines, what went wrong, and lessons learned and remedial actions.

WSDL files

NGRID Participants Outage Response

Rich text

This defines the services to be implemented by the participants. We will implement client applications to invoke services they have implemented.

Market participants will need to change some details in this file and provide us with their updated version of the WSDL. For example, they would need to change things like the Target namespaces and location etc.

Note: They are not expected to change the services, operations, and parameters etc.

Participants NGRID Outage Request.wsdl

Rich text

This defines the services to be implemented by us. Participants will have to implement client applications to send XML data to MODIS.

We will make some changes to this file once the full details are known. For example, the exact name of the Target namespaces and locations etc.

Details of authentication will be confirmed in later iterations of the WSDLs.

Smiling lady working at laptop

Contact Us

For any general enquiries about connecting to MODIS or access to other NESO IT systems, please contact our MODIS business team using the [email protected] email address.

For any IT issues with any National Grid IT system, please contact our helpdesk on 0800 917 7111 or via email at [email protected].

For information on EIC codes, our GB LIO website page (including contact details) is here: LIO for EIC codes.

Our general contact page is here: NESO Contacts.