GB Pricing Proposal – Consultation

07 February 2022 to 07 March 2022
1am to 1am
Event Category :
European Network Codes (ENC)
Event Type :

Throughout Autumn 2021, we engaged industry on the introduction of a Pricing Proposal (PP).

Article 6(4) of the Clean Energy Package (CEP) (Article 6(9) of Regulation (EU) 2019/943, retained in GB law by STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 2020 No .1006) obliges the TSO to settle Balancing Energy (utilisation) on a Pay as Clear (PAC) basis for Standard and Specific Balancing products. Currently most Balancing products in GB use a Pay as Bid (PAB) settlement for Balancing Energy. 

The ESO have developed, with industry participants, a Pricing Proposal (PP) that is specific to the GB market, negating the need for multiple derogations to be granted from Ofgem.

The Pricing Proposal (PP) has now been drafted and published for industry consultation.

The links to our previous webinars are here: Webinar 1Webinar 2 and the Consultation webinar Q&A.