How we're performing under RIIO-2

In April 2021 new RIIO-2 price controls came into effect which determine the amount we can earn for the projects we deliver and the services we provide.

On this page, you will find our performance reports, which form part of our evaluative incentive scheme.

BP2 Mid Scheme Report 2023-24

BP2 Mid Scheme Report 2023-24 Executive Summary

This report document provides an overview of our delivery and performance over the first year of our BP2 period. This is from April 2023 to March 2024.

BP2 Mid Scheme Report 2023-24 Evidence Chapters

The Evidence Chapters document provides more detail relating to each role.

ESO RIIO-2 BP2 Virtual Mid-Scheme Stakeholder Event

A recording of the virtual event which was an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions following the publication of our BP2 mid-scheme report.

What is an evaluative incentive scheme?

Under NESO evaluative incentive scheme, a Performance Panel scores how well we have delivered the objectives set out in our RIIO-2 business plan, which was updated for the second Business Plan period (BP2, starting on 1 April 2023).

Our regulator, Ofgem, then converts these scores into a financial reward or penalty.

The RIIO-2 framework divides NESO’s activities into three roles:

  • Role 1: Control centre operations
  • Role 2: Market development and transactions
  • Role 3: System insight, planning and network development

The reports on this page perform part of the evaluation process, and provide a transparent summary of our activities.

Performance documents 2021-25

BP2 2024-25 Reporting

BP2 2024-25 Ofgem and ESO meeting minutes

How we report on our progress

The Performance Panel assesses our performance according to five criteria: 

  1. Plan Delivery (completing the activities set out in the Delivery Schedule)
  2. Metric Performance (please refer to the metrics set out by Ofgem in annex 1 of the ESORI guidance)
  3. Stakeholder Evidence
  4. Quality of Outputs (which replaced Demonstration of Plan Benefits from April 2023)
  5. Value for Money

In line with Ofgem’s ESORI guidance which was updated for BP2 in March 2023, we publish a report on this page every month. The reports vary in their contents and significance: 

Monthly reports


17 working day

An update on monthly metrics and regularly reported evidence, and notable activities from the last month.

We also publish the minutes of our monthly performance meetings with Ofgem.

Quarterly reports

Q1: 17 working day of July

Q3: 17 working day of January

In addition to the above, quarterly reports provide an update on quarterly metrics and regularly reported evidence.

They also include a value for money update on cost and delivery progress of all NESO specific IT investments, and an updated deliverables tracker.

Mid-year reports 17 working day of October In addition to the above, mid-year reports provide an update on six-monthly metrics and regularly reported evidence. The value for money section provides an additional update of progress at an overall role level, and we also publish results of stakeholder satisfaction surveys.
Mid-scheme and end of scheme reports 17 May

In addition to the above, these reports provide an update on annual metrics and regularly reported evidence.

They also report against the delivery schedule for each of the activities outlined in NESO’s business plan CBA, and set out how activities are delivered in line with expectations set out in the ESO roles guidance.


The Performance Panel scores NESO’s performance every six months, and Ofgem will decide on our financial reward at the end of the two-year “Business Plan 2” period (in summer 2025). 

See the latest updates from Ofgem on their website

Ariel view of road surrounded by trees

RIIO-2 Deliverables Tracker

Download the final BP1 end of scheme deliverables tracker.

Download the tracker – BP1

Download our new BP2 deliverables tracker to see the latest status of the projects we’re delivering under RIIO-2.

Download the tracker – BP2

Child and dog looking out of house window

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