Offshore Coordination documents
We'll be publishing a range of documents throughout Offshore Co-ordination.
We're committed to transparency and providing useful information to the industry, and all our documents are available to download.
Key documents
Download our key documents from the project such as detailed findings and analysis and reports.
Holistic Network Design Follow up Exercise (HNDFUE)
Holistic Network Design
Name | Published |
Annex 4 sensitivity analysis report | 15 Dec 2020 |
Annex 2 Final Cost-benefit Analysis Report | 15 Dec 2020 |
Annex 5 Phase 1 Stakeholder engagement | 15 Dec 2020 |
Annex 3 Final Offshore Connections Review Report | 15 Dec 2020 |
Gap analysis Phase 1 Offshore coordination | 3 Dec 2020 |
Offshore Co-ordination Project Scope for phase 1 - Jul 2020 - v2 | 9 Jun 2020 |
Consultation documents
We welcome the opportunity to respond to the recent consultations launched by BEIS and Ofgem relating to the OTNR. You can download our responses below.
You are also able to download the documents relating to our consultation on the costs and benefits of a more coordinated approach to connecting offshore electricity infrastructure, published 30 September 2020.
Holistic Network Design Follow up Exercise (HNDFUE)
Holistic Network Design
Throughout our project, we provide opportunity to feedback on how we can improve our workshops, events and consultation processes.
Download documents that outline what's been said and what we've done with the feedback we've received.
Get in touch
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If you have questions or feedback please get in touch via our email address.
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Stay up to date
In addition, our work is part of the Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR) being led by BEIS. You can sign up to receive the OTNR Newsletter here for wider updates.