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Future energy
Project summaryThis project will build on existing consumer building blocks to combine learnings from the first and second Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) and create a more granular set of…
Future energy
Project summaryNESO has historically used Least Worst Regret (LWR) analysis to identify the preferred long-term electricity transmission network reinforcement options based on potential futures…
Future energy
Project summaryBaTSeC will provide an improved capability for understanding the effect of possible battery storage scenarios by developing a new battery model which combines data analysis techniques…
Future energy
Project summary24/7 (hourly) matching of Carbon Free Energy (CFE), is a significant change from the status quo (annual matching), enabling consumers to meaningfully reduce GHG emissions in real time.
Future energy
Project summaryBalancing costs have been increasing significantly over the past three years and are forecast to increase even further out to 2030.
Future energy
Project summaryCross-border markets play a key role in GB’s wholesale electricity market. Reforming electricity markets through the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) programme is vital…
Future energy
Project summaryThe project seeks, as a proof of concept, to use machine learning to create a surrogate model from a” black box” model of an AC/DC converter.
Energy Markets
This Enabling Demand side Flexibility in NESO markets report (originally entitled Flexibility Market Strategy), is a response to the urgent need to mobilise demand side flexibility in NESO markets as…
About NESO
On this page you will find documents that we must produce to comply with our electricity licence requirements to separate parts of our business.In order to comply with our licence requirements,…