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Future energy
Project summaryThis project aims to establish a strong and holistic knowledge base around the potential development, and impacts of, tidal range energy in Great Britain, with a priority placed on…
Future energy
Project summaryShort Circuit Level (SCL) is the standard measure of Grid Strength to indicate the electricity system's stability.
Future energy
Project summaryDigitalisation and data sharing are critical enablers to the achievement of net zero. This project will be developing a Pilot for the Data Sharing Infrastructure (DSI), by bringing…
Future energy
Project summaryPost-BREXIT, with the UK leaving the EU, the UK is no longer able to join TERRE (Territory, Energy & Employment) and MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative) platforms which…
Future energy
Project summaryAs part of the UK's critical national infrastructure, the energy system must be secure against malicious cyberattacks.
Future energy
Project summaryThis project will deliver a probabilistic space weather impact and mitigation assessment of the current GB electricity system, and of the anticipated electricity system at key…
Future energy
Project summaryPweru Cymru yn adnewyddol (Powering Wales Renewably, PWR) brings together the Welsh Government, whole energy system users and network operators who collectively span the energy system…
Future energy
Project summaryThe whole system innovation challenge requires the coordination of design, to reduce the duplication and complexity of networks.
Future energy
Project summaryGiven the necessary rate of change as we move toward net zero and away from traditional technology, we need to be able to test and launch new market services more quickly.
Future energy
Project summaryThe current approach to develop the Construction Planning Assumptions (CPA) required to plan for connection applications to the power grid was not developed to capture the core…