Markets Forum events

We hold these events four times a year and consider these as key milestones to engage with a wide range of industry stakeholders. We aim to reflect on the priorities of the energy industry and how the NESO role, and in turn Markets, is positioned to deliver against these.  

Our Market priorities are structured into how the Market is operating now, how we are developing the Market and how we are designing our Markets fit for the future.


  • We will use these engagements to communicate on our strategy, decisions and policy positions
  • Explain the products and services we are developing now and designing for the future
  • For transparency, hold space for discussions and provide updates on industry blockers and opportunities
  • Signpost to how we are facilitating co-creation on how we develop, design and implement our market solutions

Timeline for the next Markets Forums

Following the Markets Forum we hosted in November 2023, we have taken on board your feedback and we are pleased to announce that we plan to hold the Markets Forum four times a year. Two of these events will be virtual pre-recorded webinars with a live Q&A webinar a week later. will be open from the point of the webinar release date. The next two will be in person with the facility to livestream the main presentation. The dates of the events can be found below.

Market forum


Please reach out to the Markets team if you have any questions or feedback.

If you would like to hear the latest news and receive invites for the next forums, please sign up to the  Markets Forum Distribution List.

Gentleman working on desktop during a team meeting with team mates

Latest Webinar

We have publicised the Markets Forum pre recorded webinar, slides and Live Q&A below. 

On the 11 November we will then be doing an in person markets forum.

In Person Forum 

Markets Forum – May 2024

If you missed our latest Markets Forum event on 14 May, you can catch up on all the content here. 

View the event material to learn more about:

Looking to the future in markets – latest review of electricity market arrangements (REMA) updates, flexibility strategy, the new gas and whole energy roles we’ll undertake as the National Energy System Operator (NESO). 

Improvements to balancing – review of the use of storage in the balancing mechanism and sharing the latest on work to improve balancing and constraints costs. 

Next steps in our key markets – updates on the latest electricity market reform (EMR) delivery portal and key ancillary service updates including enduring auction capability, balancing reserve, quick and slow reserve, demand flexibility service, and frequency response. 

We also ran a panel discussion with questions around the priorities for NESO in its first year and challenges to meet net zero. 

Part 1: introduction and welcome from head of markets
Part 2: looking to the future in markets
Part 3: improvements to balancing
Part 4: next steps in our key markets
Part 5: panel discussion
Part 6: summary, Q&A, and close
Download the slides

If you have any feedback or questions from the event, contact us by email at: [email protected]

Markets Forum - March 2024

We are pleased to bring you the first Markets Forum event of 2024. Having listened to your feedback about accessibility to our forums and the time commitment required, we have agreed to annually hold two pre-recorded events, and two in person where the main presentation will be live streamed. 

Our intent is to keep the messages at these forums focused on the things that matter to you. We aim to keep messages at a holistic level, communicated in a way that does not require expertise, and to also signpost how you can get more involved in specific topics. 

To kick off the new format, we have published a recorded webinar and a set of videos on the Markets Roadmap chapters. This was also followed up with a live Q&A session. The links to the content can be found below.

Markets Forum webinar

In this video, we share updates on key topics that we know are important to you. The topics included are:

  • Operational overview – We cover the challenges that the control room experienced over the winter period.
  • Markets Roadmap – We cover the key highlights from the latest Markets Roadmap.
  • Key themes of industry feedback 
    • Revenue stacking – We provide an overview of what revenue stacking is, the benefits and our plans going forward.
    • Operational metering – We provide an update on the metering standards and the independent review of operational metering.
    • Energy storage in the Balancing Mechanism (BM) – We provide an update on the progress of the plan and the additional measures we have put in place since October.
    • Electricity Market Reform (EMR) portal – We provide an update on the improvements made following recent feedback.
  • Update on current projects 
    • Reserve Reform – We cover an overview of our current and new Reserve products, and a summary how they are helping to balance the system.
    • REMA – We provide an update as to how we are working with DESNZ and industry to overcome barriers for clear signals and efficient operation of the BM.
    • Flexibility strategy – We explain why we need flexibility, what the future looks like and how you can get involved.
  • Key code and reform updates – We cover what our codes team do, with a focus on GC0166 (Balancing Programme), GC00156 (Electricity System Restoration standard), Interconnector Framework and an update on Energy Code Reform.

Watch the Markets Forum webinar

Download the slides

Watch the Q&A session

Download the Q&A

If you have any feedback or questions from the event, please contact the team.

Markets Roadmap - March 2024

In March we also launched our annual Markets Roadmap, so we have a separate set of videos that cover a summary of the Roadmap and a brief overview of the chapters, which you can watch below. 

Video title Description
Introduction and overview  An introduction and overview of the new Roadmap.
Balancing Mechanism  The Balancing Mechanism (BM) is the market we use to ensure that energy supply and demand are balanced and to manage system operability issues in real-time.
Response  Frequency response services react in real-time to automatically balance supply and demand and maintain frequency on the grid.
Reserve  Reserve is the capability to deliver upward or downward energy to manage pre-fault imbalances and post-fault losses of generation or demand.
Stability  Stability is the inherent ability of the system to quickly return to acceptable operation following a disturbance.
Thermal   Thermal constraints refer to an area of the network where the physical infrastructure is overheating due to too much electricity overloading the network.
Voltage Voltage is the ‘push’ that causes electrons to move in an electrical conductor, measured in volts. 
Restoration  Restoration refers to the process of restarting the grid following a National Power Outage. 
Previous Markets Forum events

November 2023

Thanks to all those who joined us at the Markets Forum event on 8 November 2023.

The forum covered:

  • How the current market is structured and is operating now
  • How our markets are being developed
  • Longer-term market reform 
  • In-person breakout collaborative sessions
  • Industry panel

If you have any feedback or questions from the day, please contact the team.

You can download the material from each session using the links below.


Document title Description
Back to basics charging – breakfast session This session covered ‘the building blocks of the charging regime.’
Markets Forum – main session This session focused on our key priorities across the following market time-horizons: how the current market is structured and is operating now, how our markets are being developed, and longer-term market reform.
Charging reform – breakout session This session covered an overview of the work to date and current scope of the TNUoS taskforce, and provided a high-level explanation of the ten-year TNUoS projection.
Markets insights – breakout session This session covered an overview of the data that we provide to the market, with some data insights from the past 2 years since the launch of dynamic services in 2021. 
Markets Forum Q&A This document includes the responses to the unanswered questions from the live Q&A.



Video title Description
Welcome Karen Thompson-Lilley (Customer & Stakeholder Strategy Manager) introduces the team and provides an overview of engagement.
Introduction and welcome from Head of Markets Claire Dykta (Director of Markets) provides an overview of the Market.
How the current market is structured and is operating now This session focused on how the current market is structured and is operating now.
How our markets are being developed This session focused on how our markets are being developed.
How longer-term market clarity is provided to the industry This session focused on longer-term market reform.
Panel session - Q&A Merlin Hyman (Chief Executive of Regen) hosts a panel of industry experts.
Summary - General Q&A ESO senior team answer questions from the audience.
Close Claire Dykta provides closing remarks for the day.

November 2022

Thanks to all those who joined us both in-person and on the livestream at the Autumn Markets Forum event on 28 September 2022.

The forum covered:

  • Short-term priorities: Approach to Winter 2022
  • Medium-term priorities: Updates on new projects such as Demand Flexibility and Upward Firm Regulating reserve
  • Long-term priorities: Net Zero Market Reform
  • In-person breakout collaborative sessions

If you have any feedback from our Autumn event, please use the feedback form or email us.

The unanswered Slido questions from the event are found here.

Title Video Presentations
Welcome from Head of Markets and Short-term Priorities: Approach to Winter 2022 Watch the video Download the slides
Medium-term Priorities: Updates on New Projects Watch the video Download the slides
Long-term Priorities: Net Zero Market Reform Watch the video Download the slides
Summary, Q&A and Close from Head of Markets Watch the video

March 2022

Thanks to all those that joined us at the Markets Forum event called “Enabling Britain’s Clean Energy Future: Markets Forum and Roadmap" on 22 March 2022.

The forum covered:

  • The Markets Roadmap
  • Stability and reactive power markets
  • Net Zero Market Reform
  • Key notes from Fintan Slye
Title Video Presentations and Documents
Markets Roadmap Overview and Response & Reserve breakout session Download the slides
Stability and Reactive Power Markets – breakout session Download the slides
Net Zero Market Reform Session Watch the video Download the slides
Enabling Britain’s Clean Energy Future Watch the video Read the article
Concluding panel discussion Watch the video  
Responses to Menti questions   Download the responses

June 2021

We held a stakeholder event so that we could keep discussing our progress with you. This interactive Markets Forum covered the following topics: 

  • Net Zero Market Design
  • Pathfinders: Opportunities for customers and discussing the challenges so far
  • Strategic code change: Offshore transmission, storage, and the road to 2025
  • Becoming a better buyer: an introduction to the Single Markets Platform

You can find feedback from the pathfinders update here, other Q&A sessions can be found at the end of the slide packs.

Title Video Presentations
Welcome and markets updates Watch the video Download the slides
Pathfinders update Watch the video Download the slides
Single Markets Platform Watch the video Download the slides
Net zero market reform Watch the video Download the slides
Strategic Code Change Watch the video Download the slides

March 2021

Below you can find the deep dive sessions, slides and podcasts from our March 2021 workshop.

Title Video Presentations
The road to net zero electricity markets launch Watch the video Download the slides
Market reform insights Watch the video Download the slides
Code change roadmap to 2025 Watch the video Download the slides
Capacity Market and Contracts for Difference Watch the video Download the slides
Net Zero Market Design Watch the video Download the slides
DSO Markets Watch the video Download the slides
Podcast 1: NOA Pathfinders Listen to the podcast
Podcast 2: Reactive Power Listen to the podcast
Podcast 3: Reserve Reform Listen to the podcast
Podcast 4: Response Reform Listen to the podcast
Podcast 5: Auctions and closer to Real-Time Procurement Listen to the podcast
Lady sat at desk with laptop and dog on her lap

Get involved

As the energy landscape evolves, so must we. Our ambition is to work with industry and we intend to regularly update the roadmap based on feedback from our stakeholders.

If you're interested in attending future Market Forums and receiving updates on our progress please subscribe to our Markets events mailing list.

If you’d like to work with us and help inform our future plans, please email us.

Subscribe to our mailing list Email us