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System Operator Transmission Owner Code
CM096 Application of Gate 2 Criteria to existing contracted background
The related “Implementing Connection Reform” Modification introduces new processes and definitions that will update the existing processes and enable new applicants with more ready projects to progress more rapidly to connection. Gate 2 is a key component of the update; however, the size and rate of growth of the connections queue means that significant action is required as soon as possible to reduce the current queue so that viable projects can be connected more quickly and so that the benefits of our proposed Connections Reform model can be delivered earlier. This Modification seeks to address this by applying a project milestone / criteria (‘Gate 2’) to all existing contracted parties before they are provided with confirmed connection dates and locations.
The related “Implementing Connection Reform” Modification introduces new processes and definitions that will update the existing processes and enable new applicants with more ready projects to progress more rapidly to connection. Gate 2 is a key component of the update; however, the size and rate of growth of the connections queue means that significant action is required as soon as possible to reduce the current queue so that viable projects can be connected more quickly and so that the benefits of our proposed Connections Reform model can be delivered earlier. This Modification seeks to address this by applying a project milestone / criteria (‘Gate 2’) to all existing contracted parties before they are provided with confirmed connection dates and locations.
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
The related “Implementing Connection Reform” Modification introduces new processes and definitions that will update the existing processes and enable new applicants with more ready projects to progress more rapidly to connection. Gate 2 is a key component of the update; however, the size and rate of growth of the connections queue means that significant action is required as soon as possible to reduce the current queue so that viable projects can be connected more quickly and so that the benefits of our proposed Connections Reform model can be delivered earlier. This Modification seeks to address this by applying a project milestone / criteria (‘Gate 2’) to all existing contracted parties before they are provided with confirmed connection dates and locations.
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
STC Panel Papers 26 June 2024 Version 2
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
CMP435 and CMP096 Workgroup 7 Papers
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
CM099 Removing references to fax and facsimile within the STC
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
PM0136 - Introducing Connections process to facilitate Competitively Appointed Transmission Owners
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
STC Panel Papers June 2024
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
STC June Panel Papers Version 2
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
Schedule 2 List of STC Procedures
System Operator Transmission Owner Code
STCP 19-3 Operational Notification and Compliance Testing Issue 13 12 April 2024