
Publications library
We've got a wide range of publications offering energy insights and analysis. Download our reports and data to see the innovative ways we are transforming the future of Great Britain’s energy.
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Whole energy system
Discusses how options are assessed to determine eligibility for competition
Whole energy system
Details the core options assessment process and how options are recommended
Whole energy system
Details the checks and processes to ensure data quality of options developed before options assessment process
Whole energy system
Discusses how options are developed for inclusion in the options assessment process
Whole energy system
Terms of Reference for the Strategic Energy Planning Industry Working Group
Whole energy system
Interactive version of the GNCNR 2024, presenting our analysis of the NTS and its capability to meet Great Britain's current and future gas needs.
Whole energy system
Print-friendly version of the GNCNR 2024, presenting our analysis of the NTS and its capability to meet Great Britain's current and future gas needs.
Whole energy system
This technical report details the methodology behind our analysis for the physical capability of the National Transmission System.
Whole energy system
The charts and supporting data from our modelling published in our Gas Network Capability Needs Report 2024.
Whole energy system
NESO's response to Ofgem consultation on Regional Energy Strategic Planning (RESP)