Grid Connect X: An innovative tool to revolutionise grid connection models

Turbine and solar panels with bright sunlight

Achieving a clean power system by 2030 will require Great Britain to connect around 210 – 220GW of new zero-carbon generation sources to provide electricity to the grid. To help facilitate these connections, our Grid Connect X innovation project is introducing a new Grid Connection Simulation Tool to increase the speed in which renewable energy sources connect to Great Britain's National Electricity Transmission System (NETS).

What is the Grid Connection Simulation Tool?

The Grid Connection Simulation Tool will act as a secure platform for plant owners and consultants to carry out wider system Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) analysis without accessing sensitive data of other users in the system. Historically, sharing grid connection models involved complex negotiations around non-disclosure agreements and intellectual property (IP) protection. The Grid Connections Simulation Tool will facilitate multi-vendor participation, secure data sharing, and reduce reliance on non-disclosure agreements to streamline grid connection studies.

Delivering secure and efficient Grid Connections

As we become more reliant on zero-carbon generation sources such as wind and high voltage direct current, we need to effectively manage the transition towards high inverter-based generation to continue delivering Great Britain’s world leading reliability standards. The August 2019 power outage highlighted the need for robust Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) models to ensure grid stability. The platform removes the need for ‘best guess’ using generic models by ensuring the EMT models used in grid connection studies are accurate and reflective of their actual behaviour.

Benefits for the Energy Sector

  • Operational efficiency: The tool will enhance operational efficiency through accurate EMT models, enabling precise system planning and operation.
  • Integration of renewables: It increases the speed of integration for inverter based resources, aligning with the goal of delivering a clean energy system by 2030.
  • Cost and time savings: There are potential savings of up to £15 billion for offshore wind projects by increasing the speed in which they are connected to the grid.

How to find out more

Throughout the duration of the project, you’ll be able to see a series of reports that will share project outcomes, lessons learned, and best practices on the ENA portal.

Grid Connect X

Wider Connections Reform

In our Clean Power 2030 report, we consider the reforms required to the connections processes (both for queue management and wider network related reforms) to deliver the right technology, in the right location, at the right time.

We’re consulting on our plans to reform the connections process by reducing and reordering the queue to prioritise ready projects as well as aligning to locational, and technology needs for the future energy system.

View the consultation