Electricity Ops Forum
We’ve just held our quarterly electricity ops forum, which saw 150 people from across the industry come together for an update on ESO operations.
Don’t worry if you missed it though – you can view the whole presentation from the day HERE – and the points that were discussed throughout the day are below.
Nigel Swan took us through Balancing Services costs and what we are doing to bring them down. This included looking at the main cost drivers for operating the network. There is potential for increasingly diverse generation to reduce constraint costs from 2018, which could save up to £37m.
David Preston presented on the NOA pathfinder projects that have been committed to in the Voltage and Stability spaces. There is currently a Reactive Power tender opportunity open in the Mersey area focusing on a 1 year service from April 2020. This will be supplemented by a long term tender opportunity in the Mersey area later in November. Both are open to TO and DNO connected assets.
High level information was also shared about upcoming tender opportunities for a new Stability requirement that is being initially split into 2 phases.
Thanks to everyone who attended.